Performance artist Choreographer Dancer

A man dances in the space, a blur of rosy tissue and liquid mass sliding over shifting ground. Threads of whipped candy and shining flesh bounce and spin in the artificial luminance. A face of silver and pink, eyes bright, scanning the trembling edge of the circle for signs of joy and reconnection.
HARD C*CK is a 60 minute performance celebration by Rob Hesp; an open look at ideas of sexual autonomy, identity and fragility and an attempt to rediscover the pleasure of skin and bone in a live space.
A piece for me, for you, for the void and the person on the other side of the laptop screen.
Teaser trailer filmed by Sam Williams.
Dress rehearsal images by Sara Kouhou, Visual instincts.
Images from performance at Spill festival, Ipswich 2016 by Christa Holka.

Performance dates (2015-17)
Pearce Institute, Glasgow, BUZZCUT Festival: 20th March 2015.
Chisenhale Dance Space, London: 13th November 2015.
NEAT Festival, Nonsuch theatre, Nottingham: 4th June 2016.
LIMEWHARF, London: 30th June - 2nd July 2016.
NEWK at Live Art Bistro, Leeds: 13th July 2016.
An excerpt of HARD C*CK was presented at DUCKIE at the RVT, London: 13th August 2016.
SPILL Festival, Ipswich: 28th October 2016.
Hotbed - A festival of sex, Camden Peoples Theatre, London: May 2017.
The Complex, Dublin Live Art Festival: August 2017.
"Backed by a pumping playlist of dance floor anthems, the show is both joyous and painful as we witness one man’s struggle with love, lust and loss. Nothing but thought-provoking, and always downright sexy."
Mark Richards,
Director of Metal Peterborough
"Courageous and profoundly touching"
Bill Bankes Jones,
Artistic Director, Tête à Tête
With thanks to Gianluca Gasparini, Sarah Kouhou, Sam Williams, Roswitha Cheshire, everyone who donated via Kickstarter, Chisenhale Dance Space, Metal Peterborough, LimeWharf London and SPILL festival.